Top 10 albums of the 2010:s by Stefan Alt (Ant-zen)
Dec 2019 20

Release Magazine asked Stefan Alt (from the record label Ant-zen) for his top 10 albums of the decade (2010-2019).

King Dude: “Holy Christos”
Gazelle Twin: “Unflesh”
Trepaneringsritualen: “Kainskult”
The Soft Moon: “Captured Tracks”
Deru: “Torn in Two”
Thorofon: “Targets”
Gold: “Servant”
Sonic Area: “Eyes in the Sky”
Orphx: “Pitch Black Mirror”
Hecq: “Night Falls (Remastered)”

Random order. This is a Release Magazine exclusive. Please don’t repost (copy and paste) the list itself but feel free to share the link.

Here you can check out all the lists.