Hatari’s doomsday debut album out today
Jan 2020 17

Hatari’s long-awaited debut album is called “Neyslutrans” and came out today, more or less out of the blue.

The title can be translated to ”Consumption Trance” and the album includes a mix of previously released singles and unreleased tracks. The Eurovision track ”Hatrið Mun Sigra” comes in an “Xtended” version and the previously released collaboration with experimental Icelandic female band CYBER, “Hlauptu” is updated. They are just one of the many guest artists featured.

- The album is a lament to Western civilization, if not the world, which is only fitting. This might well be the last album released by humans. The latter half of the album is orchestrated with this in mind, vocalist Matthías Tryggvi Haraldsson says.

- Remember to share your love before doomsday strikes, Klemens Hannigan adds.

Track listing:

1. “Engin Miskunn”
2. “Spillingardans”
3. “Klámstrákur
4. “Klefi / Samed (صامد)” (feat. Bashar Murad)
5. “Þræll”
6. “Hlauptu” (feat. CYBER)
7. “Hatrið Mun Sigra”
8. “Spectavisti Me Mori, Op. 8″ (feat. Pétur Björnsson)
9. “Fjórtán Ár”
10. “Ógleði”
11. “Helvíti (feat. Svarti Laxness)”
12. “Nunquam Iterum Op. 12″ (feat. Friðrik Margrétar)
13. “Niðurlút” (feat. GRDN)