Top 10 albums of the 2010:s by Bruno Kramm (Das Ich, Danse Macabre Records)
Jan 2020 07

Release Magazine asked Bruno Kramm (Das Ich, Danse Macabre Records) for his top 10 albums of the decade (2010-2019).

Gary Numan: “Savage”
Wisborg: “Tragedy of Seconds Gone”
David Bowie: “Blackstar”
Oberer Totpunkt: “Neurosen blühen”
Faith and the Muse: “Where the Land Meets the Sea”
Tommi Stumpff: “Terror II” (rerelease)
EGGVN: “Solve et Coagula”
Das Ich: “Satanische Verse” (rerelease on vinyl)
Demoncast: “Narcissus”
The Beauty of Gemina: “Anthology I”

Random order. This is a Release Magazine exclusive. Please don’t repost (copy and paste) the list itself but feel free to share the link.

Here you can check out all the lists.