Eddie Bengtsson (Page, SMPJ, ex-S.P.O.C.K) invited colleagues like Joakim Montelius (Covenant, pic above), Diskodiktator and Compute to record electronic versions of 70:s songs by artists like Sweet, Hawkwind, Deep Purple, Neil Young and Sly & The Family Stone. [more...]
Progress Productions has signed a trio that stands out as a bit different in the Progress family: Vanligt Folk (means common people). [more...]
Röyksopp and Norwegian star Susanne Sundfør just performed a cover of Depeche Mode’s “Ice Machine” at the final Lydverket show on Norwegian TV (NRK). [more...]
The Prodigy will re-release their seminal album “Fat of the Land”, through XL Recordings this December. [more...]
Coilhouse.net has posted an interesting piece on industrial music.
December 6 will see Pet Shop Boys perform with the BBC2 Philharmonic Orchestra. The duo will be joined by Johnny Marr on guitar and Sven Helbig who orchestrated “The Most Incredible Thing” ballet. [more...]
Rammstein have added new stops on their 2013 tour which currently includes city concerts in Barcelona, Madrid, Rome, Lissabon, Belgrade and 7 other cities in April and July. In addition, Rammstein will co-headline 15 summer festivals in Europe. [more...]