
Format: Album
Label: Rein Recordings
Release date: August 21, 2020
By: Johan Carlsson

After a successful string of EP:s, Rein went back to the studio and stayed in radio silence for a long time. Now she’s finally ready to show the world what she and her producer partner Carli Löf has been working on. The result is a stylistically varied concoction of EBM, electro and pop which somehow sounds both current and retro at the same time.
Rein’s vocals have been utilized to a greater extent than before, as the album features both softer singing and her trademark angry shouts. It works wonders, giving the songs room to breathe, ebb and flow. The lyrics are suitably cyberpunk, dealing with existence and technology with some references to Japanese sci-fi movies and Philip K. Dick.
The bass lines are almost percussive in their attack and bite, and definitely part of both the rhythm section and song structure. As is almost every sound on “Reincarnated” actually… Especially on my favourite song on here, which is “Off the Grid” where all things come together in a melting pot of furious beats, bouncy bass and a stonkingly great chorus.
Rein seems to have matured as an artist very fast, and created a strong debut album. Her career will be very interesting to follow.