
Format: Album
Label: Juggernaut
Release date: May 25, 2014
By: Niklas Forsberg

The duo of John Lindqwister and Richard Flow have been stirring up quite the buzz during the past year. Their take on modern synthpop is in-your-face and powerful, yet more emotive than most electronic pop released in recent years. The key to the Machinista potency lies in the vocals; Lindqwister has a unique tone and his vocal range really shines on “Xenoglossy”.
The magic and grace of “Take Comfort in Being Sad” set the tone and what follows is a 45-minute eargasm for fans of electronic harmony. Slow paced ballad-esque numbers and full on dance gems balance deliciously on “Xenoglossy”, with Lindqwister’s blistering voice adding fragility and force. David Bowie’s “Heroes” gets the Machinista treatment and, dare I say, benefits from it.
Needless to say I have high hopes for their coming adventures, as “Xenoglossy” is one of the best synthpop albums this year. I actually played it at work last week and it turned quite a few heads.